I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm and expectancy!
Author and Illustrator, R. Heather Ropes, invites you to explore affirmations and art through this site.
- A Novel idea Bookstore, Lincoln, ne
My Story
I’ve lived border to border and coast to coast in the United States and rarely travels without my drawing supplies. My exposure to art began at an early age in Montana and Santa Fe. My great-grandmother’s readings from Unity Church’s Daily Word made affirmative text another early influence. Prayer partners of many faiths encouraged me to write a book of prayer and affirmation. Others encouraged my artistic expressions. I joyfully present a unique mix of hand-drawn art, uplifting affirmations, and text to ponder in Pencil Strokes: An Affirmation Coloring Book.
Praise and Testimonials
Heather has put a great deal of soul into this amazing, uplifting coloring book. As you color a single image and read the focusing companion statement and anecdote, you’ll slow down and be able to be fully present. Watch out, though! You may need two of these books—to color the images differently all over again!
Penney Pierce ● Author of Frequency,The Intuitive Way
Heather Ropes combines the essence of three great powers – spirituality, positivity, and creativity. You will, without exception, approach life with a more beautiful presence as you work through her book.
Remember, you are what you think. Your thoughts make your world. Go make a colorful, happy world with Heather.
Beverly Todd ● Artist & Creativity Coach
Heather’s journey is unique—and yet she touches on the themes which affect every human being: love and loss, nature and nurture, hope and healing! I plan to use several of her vignettes in my high school classroom and within my personal circles. Well done, Heather & Thank You!”